Sunday, April 5, 2009

3 reasons why you should have a twenty something on your board

1. We know more than you think.

We had our own computer in sixth grade, have been on Facebook for years, and know what Twitter is. So, when your organization is trying to figure out how to take advantage of new technology, we are a huge resource. Plus, we are fresh out of college and there are some great tidbits that we get from class. One of my most popular posts this year, came from a Nonprofit Finance course - Want to know how your nonprofit is doing financially?

2. We have more time than most (and so do our friends).

Usually we don't have kids, mortgages, 80 hour per week jobs, etc. This means we have more time to help you with fundraising, volunteering and more. We don't have to get home for dinner, and we are willing to help on nights and weekends. Even better, is the fact that we communicate with our friends a lot. We can send out a tweet or a message to everyone in our network when you need volunteers or advice.

3. We can be more committed.

We aren't typically on a dozen boards and we aren't professional board members. When we join a board, it is because we really care about that specific organization and its mission, and are willing to go above and beyond to ensure its success.

*I do want to note that these three reasons can apply to anyone (regardless of age), and this post in no way is saying those that are not in their twenties aren't committed, won't give their time, etc. It's purpose is to encourage boards to engage younger generations because they can be an extremely valuable resource.

So, how do you find us?

Well, try one of the many useful social media and networking tools. Send out tweets on Twitter or recruit us via Facebook. Or you can see if you have an organization in your city that recruits young board members. In Minneapolis, there is The LEAD Project. The LEAD Project enlists young people that are interested in serving on a committee or board. Nonprofits contact the Project and the Project matches that nonprofit with young professionals that fit that nonprofits needs.


Jennifer Gleeson Blue said...

Great post!

I would add that another reason to have 20-somethings on your Board is simply because it promotes generational diversity. Generational diversity, like all diversity, is an asset. And we all want more assets! :)

As a 20-something coach, I hope more organizations begin following your advice.

Nonprofit SOS said...

Hi Tessa,

Thank you for the compliment! I'm glad you have enjoyed the blog!

Jennifer- I completely agree. I have encountered several boards recently that have "slots" they fill, one of which is a younger person lot. While I am not sure I necessarily agree with having "slots", I am glad nonprofits are adding more young people to their boards.

- Kristen